Posts tagged panama canal
T1 Ocean Crossing Entry #1: High Spirits & Preparation

Our second open ocean crossing in 6 months, meet the new Trilogy ohana crossing crew who will be sailing our brand new Trilogy 1 back from St. Croix to Maui! With 4-6 weeks of ocean life ahead of them, morale is high and excitement is even higher…

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Crossing Log Entry 7: pilots, locks, and moorings, oh my!

Originally constructed in 1913, the Panama Canal’s original 3 locks are still in use today, as well as a few newer additions. In this entry, we share a first-hand view of our new Trilogy IV as she gains the official thumbs up to continue her journey through this extensive lock system!

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Crossing log, entry 6: Stormy Seas & panama

Some stormy seas rocked our Trilogy crossing crew on their final approach to the Panama Canal, but it still couldn’t shake this crew’s spirits. After 1,050 nautical miles on the voyage from St. Croix to the Canal, the Trilogy IV (and her crew!) is making their way home to Maui!

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Crossing Log, Entry 5: It’s a big, big ocean out there

Fueled up and officially on the open ocean, our crew checks in during the first few days of sailing - from watch scheduling to lightning storms to ohana dinners, the Trilogy crossing crew is in great spirits about the exciting weeks ahead!

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