Posts tagged single use plastic
T1 Ocean Crossing Entry #1: High Spirits & Preparation

Our second open ocean crossing in 6 months, meet the new Trilogy ohana crossing crew who will be sailing our brand new Trilogy 1 back from St. Croix to Maui! With 4-6 weeks of ocean life ahead of them, morale is high and excitement is even higher…

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Blue'Aina with Eat Less Plastic and Aloha Kayaks Maui

Read all about our March Blue’Aina with Aloha Kayaks Maui (a returning sponsor!) and a non-profit that is near and dear to our hearts, Eat Less Plastic! Epic sunshine, views of the West Maui mountains, and crystal clear waters made for a perfect reef cleanup out on the water!

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Lana’i Blue ’Aina with American Reef Coalition and Wailea Community Association

The annual December Lana’i ocean & land Blue’Aina was a roaring success, blessed with beautiful sunny weather, eager volunteers, and 15 bags of trash collected! Read all about our fabulous sponsor and non-profit organizations, and our little surprise welcome into Manele Harbor on Lana’i!

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An Ocean Voyage with Eat Less Plastic & Trilogy's Blue'Aina Campaign

Read about the exciting new partnership between Trilogy’s Blue’Aina campaign and our friends at Eat Less Plastic, a team of researchers and voyagers dedicated to changing the future. As they embark on a four month long journey through the South Pacific, their research teams (plus a new addition!) will gather microplastic samples and conduct other ocean water testing in an effort to do their part to better our beautiful Earth.

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Maui Brewing Company and Trilogy Excursions’ Blue’Aina Event Raise Money for Maui’s Mooring System and Clean the Reef of Marine Debris

Marine debris is a problem that just keeps getting bigger and bigger. Fortunately, there are people that are willing to do something about it. As a part of International Coastal Cleanup, the Blue ‘Aina Campaign hosted an underwater reef clean up at Mala Wharf on Sunday, September 20th, with 60 volunteers.

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