Posts tagged trilogy crossing
T1 Ocean Crossing Entry #1: High Spirits & Preparation

Our second open ocean crossing in 6 months, meet the new Trilogy ohana crossing crew who will be sailing our brand new Trilogy 1 back from St. Croix to Maui! With 4-6 weeks of ocean life ahead of them, morale is high and excitement is even higher…

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Crossing log, final entry: LAND HO!

After 5,057 miles and 20 days at sea, our crossing crew makes their way into Lahaina Harbor, complete with champagne showers, roaring cheers, and ecstatic family & friends! Read about the crew’s last few days at sea, and their triumphant welcome home to Maui!

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Crossing Log Entry 10: Rotten eggs & small wins

Life on the open sea has brought ample opportunity for discovering clever forms of entertainment… our Crossing Crew remains in good spirits as they FINALLY see their first epic ocean sunset, not to mention a fun new deck game. 4 more days to Hilo!

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Crossing Log Entry 9: Halfway to paradise

Officially halfway home, the Trilogy crossing crew checks in with some stories from their life on the open sea - dominoes, fishing, and the occasional friendly creature encounter, things are smooth sailing so far!

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Crossing Log Entry 8: the start of Leg 2 (next stop: maui!)

A quick crew change, some restocking of food, supplies & fuel, and our Trilogy crossing crew has officially kicked off the 3-4 week long “Leg 2” of Trilogy IV’s adventure! Get ready for some very technical stats from Captain Nick… compass headings, route trajectory, engine usage - you name it, we got it!

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