About 200 nautical miles (nm) west of Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

About 200 nautical miles ( nm) west of Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

Aloha all,

We are very glad to be sailing again as that's what this boat and crew love best. We were under motor power for about 16 hours, but the wind has increased and we are now with full sail and using one engine to assist ie motor sailing. We should have a couple more days of lighter winds and then as the two high-pressure systems to our north merge and strengthen so will the NE wind, which is what we need to push us home. We have sailed over 3400 nm thus far and have about 2500 nm to go.  We have spent almost all of this time below Latitude 20 degrees, and down as low as 7 degrees and have gotten comfortable with the warm weather. Last night during the night watches, the temperature dropped down to 70 degrees. The Hawaii-based crew, myself, Seth, and Kama, we were all digging out any cold weather gear we could find to stay warm, and scrounging around for extra blankets for the bunks when off watch.  70 degrees never felt this cold on the Big Island, so I must have adjusted to the climate as well. I am sure we have all you mainland folks sympathy, but even our resident Yankee, Jim, was in a coat last night!

Our visit to Cabo was only two days, but as we have already proven, this crew can do in two days what most can accomplish in a week. We had a visit with Senor Frog. Went for a meeting at " The Office " with a nice Mexican gentleman named Rambo, who was very generous.  We also paid a visit to Squid Roe, to practice the local fishing techniques, and have some jello desserts.  In all, it was a busy time. This is the third time now that we have checked into a country and checked out at the same time. We are on the move, with one purpose, get this beautiful sailing machine out to Maui by the end of December, to join her sister ships, in showing folks the fun and beauty of our Hawaiian waters.

Happy holidays to all our friends,

Captain Gary Hoover