Hōkūleʻa- “Star of Gladness”

This summer has brought a lot of excitement to the Hawaiian Islands with the recent return of Hokuea. The Hōkūleʻa is a replica of the traditional Polynesian voyaging canoes. She was first launched in March 1975. In 1976 she made her maiden voyage to Tahiti departing from Honolua Bay in Hawaii and returned. This voyage was completed exclusively using Polynesian voyaging techniques, such as star mapping, wind and weather, cloud formations, movement of currents, wave patterns, and the flight of birds.

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Coral Health with EOR and the Westin Nanea Ocean Villas

With the start of the fall season, Trilogy is back to hosting floating workshops and reef cleanups. For the month of September, Trilogy hosted the non-profit Eyes of the Reef (EOR) for a workshop on coral health. The corporate sponsor was the Westin Nanea Ocean Villas and the food was provided by Trilogy Excursions.

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Getting Dirty in the Waikamoi Preserve

Waikamoi Preserve provides an important sanctuary for hundreds of native Hawaiian plants and animals. It’s high elevation rain forest and alpine shrubland are home to 12 different native bird species, seven of them are endangered. The preserve shelters a large variety of native ferns, herbs, shrubs and trees that reflect the biodiversity of Maui. Many are rare plants unique to East Maui, including members of the Lobelia and Geranium families.

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May 2017 Blue'Aina Reef Cleanup

On May 7th, Trilogy was happy to host a sold out Blue’Aina reef cleanup with Corporate Sponsor Aloha Kayaks Maui supporting non-profit Hawaiian Islands Land Trust (HILT). This month our beautiful spring weather allowed us to head up to Cliff House for our underwater reef cleanup. Cliff House is located at Namalu Bay in Kapalua. This bay is a popular spot for locals to cliff jump and swim in the shallow protected waters. Blue’Aina had not been to Cliff House in a few months so we were anticipating a good amount of trash and fishing line.

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One Hundred Two Hours

One hundred and two hours: the amount of time it took to travel from the dock in Christiansted to the dock at Shelter Bay Marina in Colon, Panama. Captain Gary split the nearly five day crossing into watches. Each watch was covered by two of the five on board, so you had better learn how to get some really good sleep in four hours! 

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Sea Trials and Shenanigans

It’s finally time to break in the new boat, hopefully without any actual breaking. We’ve been stuck on a dock in Salt River for the past week, actually the boat has been stuck there while the crew and I have been staying at a large Mediterranean villa overlooking the ocean. Nonetheless, we were really excited to get out and do some sea trials and take a break from covering our bodies in mosquito repellant.

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