Educational Series with Whale Trust Maui
On Sunday, February 5th Trilogy hosted our second Blue’Aina Educational Series event. The Corporate Sponsor was Trilogy who donated to Whale Trust Maui and food was provided by Mr. Subs.
The focus of this Blue’Aina was to learn about humpback whale research in Maui waters. National Geographic photographer and Whale Trust Maui co-founder, Flip Nicklin and researcher Ralph joined our sold out boat and taught us about how photography and videography aides whale research. They provide us a window into humpback whale behavioral patterns and social interactions.
“Photography and videography are essential to inspiring others through education and conservation, but it is also a key component in the research efforts of Whale Trust Maui”
Whale Trust Maui was established in 2001 with the mission to promote, support and conduct scientific research on whales and the marine environment and broadly communicate the findings of this work to the public. Their research focuses on animal behavioral patterns.
Whale behavior is one of the most difficult areas to study and the fact that whales live underwater makes it even more difficult. If anyone has been out on a whale watch, the behavior of the whales is very fascinating, with water displays like breaching, pectoral fin slapping, and spy hopping. It is imperative that researchers strive to fill the gaps in whale behavioral patterns so governing parties can provide adequate management and conservation programs. To learn more about Whale Trust Maui and ways to get involved head over to their website.
By Conservation and Education Director, Magen Schifiliti