SNUBA Medical Requirements

SNUBA is a safe and fun activity! There are however certain requirements in order to be eligible to participate in this activity. If you answer "yes" to any of the questions below, you may need a physician's note in order to SNUBA. All participants will also be required to fill out the SNUBA release form before participating in this activity.

  • Are you pregnant or do you believe you might be pregnant?

  • Do you have a history of heart attacks, strokes or heart disease?

  • Have you ever had heart surgery, angina or blood vessel surgery?

  • Do you have asthma and are currently using an inhaler, or have a history of emphysema or tuberculosis?

  • Are you currently under the influence of mind-altering drugs or alcohol?

  • Do you have any form of lung disease?

  • Do you have epilepsy, seizures or convulsions or take medications to prevent them?

  • Are you actively taking medication that carries a warning about any impairment of your physical or mental behavior?

  • Do you have a history of blackouts or fainting?

  • Do you currently have a head cold (congestion), sinusitis or bronchitis?

  • Do you have a history of diabetes affecting your ability to participate in a strenuous activity?

  • Do you have a history of asthma or wheezing with breathing or exercise?

  • Have you ever had a diving accident or decompression sickness?

  • Do you have high blood pressure or take medicine to control it?

  • Do you have a history of bleeding or blood disorders?

  • Do you have a history of ear or sinus surgery?

  • Do you have a history of ear disease, hearing loss or problems with balance?

  • Do you have problems equalizing (clearing) ears with airplane or mountain travel?